Complete application and mail or fax to


International School of Auctioneering

RR #4 Red Deer, Alberta T4N 5E4

Phone: 403-342-2514 or Fax: 403-886-7899

Application Form


FULL NAME: _______________________________________________


ADDRESS: _________________________________________________


CITY: ________________________ Prov: ________________________


POSTAL CODE: _______________TELEPHONE: ________________


Please enroll me in the auction course commencing _______________________________________________20__________

To be held in Red Deer, Alberta for classes from April, August, December (except Sundays) for a fee of $1,175.00, all inclusive except room and board.


I enclose herein my deposit of $150.00 (one hundred and fifty dollars) and agree to pay the balance upon arrival at the first class.





Is a room required: ___YES ___ NO   /   SINGLE____ DOUBLE____


I will be paying deposit by ___Check ___ Money Order ___ Credit Card


Credit Card ___ M/C ___ Visa ___ AMEX


Card Number: ________________________________


Expiry Date: _________________________________


Name on Card: ________________________________________________

                                                              PLEASE PRINT


DATED AT: _________________ THIS______DAY OF _______20_____




STUDENT SIGNATURE_________________________________________________